About Us

Welcome to Sleepy B's, where quality meets sustainability in every product we create. Our journey began with a simple observation: a glaring gap existed in the market for environmentally responsible products that didn't compromise on quality. Too often, companies offering eco-friendly options sacrificed durability and performance, while those producing top-notch goods overlooked their environmental impact. We saw a problem and were determined to find a solution.

As we pondered this dilemma, one ingredient caught our attention: beeswax. Found in abundance, ethically sourced, and endlessly renewable, beeswax possessed qualities that made it the perfect candidate for our vision.

With curiosity as our guide, we started tinkering and experimenting. What we discovered exceeded our expectations. Beeswax wasn't just a material; it was a versatile canvas waiting to be transformed into a myriad of beautiful, sustainable products.

From vibrant crayons to artisanal candles, each Sleepy B's creation is crafted with care, utilizing beeswax as the star of the show. Our commitment to quality is unwavering; every product undergoes rigorous testing to ensure it meets our exacting standards. But quality alone isn't enough—our dedication to sustainability is woven into every aspect of our business, from sourcing to packaging.

Join us on this journey toward a brighter, greener future.